Safety or efficacy?
We won’t make you choose.


As a pure hypochlorous acid (HOCl) solution, BIHOCL™ PureCleanse™ is a broad spectrum antiseptic which is highly effective against a wide range of microorganisms including gram negative and positive bacteria, antibiotic resistant strains, viruses, fungi, yeasts, and prions¹.

The best part? PureCleanse™ pairs this proven efficacy with the safety profile of saline. The time has truly come for cytotoxic alternatives like chlorhexidine and povidone iodine to step aside. Even safe-as-ever saline can’t compete with the HOCl’s combination of safety and efficacy.

So, what is

A perfect example of biomimicry, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is technology based on the body’s innate cellular response to infection. HOCl is produced and released by the body’s white blood cells when an injury or infection occurs. It then inactivates pathogens in its path while signalling to the body that a healing response is needed, speeding up recovery.

With the same biomimetic approach, our HOCl molecule is manufactured to an identical accuracy of 99.9%², for the topical application of the solution on wounds such as pressure, diabetic, and venous leg ulcers, post-surgical wounds, burns, abrasions, and more.

Powerful Antimicrobial
Ground Breaking Safety
Biofilm Disruption
Odour Control

The right way to clean
& debride wounds.


There are many types of debridement—the process of removing debris, slough, or exudate from a wound. But perhaps the safest, most comfortable method is hydro-debridement which harnesses the gentle-yet-effective force of a liquid solution to establish an optimal wound bed environment, ready for healing.

Few methods—if any—have this unique combination that hydro-debridement possesses:

  • Patient comfort
  • Ease of use
  • Effectiveness
  • Safety
  • Portability
  • Liquid solution compatibility
World-First Jet Technology
Safe for Healthy Tissue
Painless and Comfortable
Enriches Wound Bed with O₂


The PureCleanse™ and JetOx™ and hydro-debridement devices are designed to both cleanse and debride wounds of various types and sizes. This includes diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, veinous leg ulcers, burns, abrasions, post-surgical wounds, etc. while doing so effectively and gently.

These systems are ideal for bedside use in hospitals, clinics, or at home. Plus, they’re simple, quick and easy for trained healthcare professionals to administer with minimal mess.

In-/Out-Patient Centres
Long Term
Wound Care Clinics
Burn & Trauma Units
Emergency Departments
Podiatric Centres
Home Health Services
Physical Therapy

Prevent and manage
wound dehiscence.


Surgical wound dehiscence (SWD) is the most common postoperative problem encountered in foot and ankle surgery and affects up to 39% of lower extremity amputations.² Worse still, non-traumatic lower extremity amputations in diabetic patients are complicated by wound dehiscence in up to 80% of cases.³

The HEMIGARD® Adhesive Suture Retention Device (ASRD) reduces lower extremity excisional wound dehiscence by more than 80% while reducing fragile skin tearing and improving wound edge perfusion.⁴⁻⁵

Offloads Tension
Increases Perfusion
Reduces Dehiscence
Decreases Complications

Request an Evaluation


  1. Data on file, Sterasure Inc., 2022.
  2. Wang L, et al: Hypochlorous acid as a potential would care agent: Part I, Stabilized hypochlorous acid: A component of the inorganic armamentarium of innate immunity. J Burns Wounds.
  3. Robson MC. Treating chronic wounds with hypochlorous acid disrupts biofilm. Today’s Wound Clinic. November/December.